Evolve Leadteam Ltd.

It's PEOPLE who deliver results.
It's PEOPLE who achieve goals.
It's PEOPLE who inspire change.
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With our online profile the leaders, in your organisation, will have the chance to reflect on what they are doing as leaders. A report will be generated instantly based on how well they feel they are doing in three areas of responsibility.

Three essential areas of leadership responsibility are; achieving the task, building and maintaining the team and developing  individuals. Within the three areas of responsibility leaders will also receive information about how often and how well they believe they perform in six or more day to day leadership functions. This profiling tool, based on the work of John Adair, provides a practical framework to explore leadership development, for individuals and organisations.


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We think that successful business is based on well developed relationships; self aware, well prepared and open leaders will be able to create good relationships.

We believe that sound decisions are a result of listening to people closest to the tasks and closest to the customers. Prioritising well, requires leaders to step back, observe and think . This is not easy when the day is full of important demands.

 Leaders can create an environment for innovation and entrepreneurialism with; encouragement, equality and an understanding of people. Teams expect their leaders to be well organised and to do this, leaders need to have a sense of what the future may need and ask stimulating questions. These skills aren’t necessarily natural to all leaders, but through thoughtful training interventions, supported by coaching and mentoring, they can be learned.

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We understand that the challenge for public sector leaders is to make complicated policy a simple reality.

Public sector leaders need their staff to feel empowered when they implement policies; this requires coaching and ways of generating options. In order to encourage creativity a public sector leader needs to give a sense, that risks can be taken, and mistakes can be made. This is not easy when you are responsible for public money. 

Supporting staff, through change, needs a leader to be emotionally aware, skilled in coaching and even counselling. New, and sometimes reluctant, leaders need simple, practical ways to know that they are on the right track. The skills above can be trained, so people who feel they are not born leaders can see that they are able to lead very well.


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We pay attention to you, whilst you pay attention to your professional development.

It seems that all it takes to support yourself and progress as a coach is regular attention and a commitment to professional excellence. Having a supervisor is like having someone in your corner to motivate you.