Day One (Back to Top)
- To the course staff and to the programme.
What is Research?
- The defining characteristics of academic research.
Activity: Your Motivation
- Why are you studying for a Doctorate?
Doctoral Level Research
- Objectives, milestones and first steps.
Making Plans and Sticking to Them
- Planning, Long-term, Medium-term, Task Plans and Action Plans/To-do Lists.
Activity: Personal Planning
Finding and Reviewing Other Research Evidence
- Searching and reviewing the literature.
Activity: Mapping and Highlighting
Understanding Other Research Evidence
- Enaging with the literature.
Activity: Paper Review
Expanding On and Analysing Other Research Evidence
- Expanding your review and critical assessment.
Activity: Critical Questions
Group Activity: Working with your Supervisor
Communicating Expectations
Activity: Action with your Supervisor
Practical Tips of Working with your Supervisor
- Expanding your review and critical assessment